Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring days

Spring break is soon upon us and consequently I must write some musings on my all-time favorite week of the year. It is spring that ushers in the blooming of azaleas and warm summer afternoons. The orange blossoms on my tree are in full force fragrancing my backyard with a hint of days gone by. The slower days of sitting in comfortable chairs on the front porch sipping homemade lemonade and leisurely talking with neighbors about the goings on of the community. These were the days of air-blown metallic pinwheels decorating gardens and sprinklers being the only joy needed for children who didn't have the luxury of swimming pools near by. The days that breathe of the newness of spring and welcome in the comforting afternoons of lazily reading a jane austen novel on a sunny porch while listening to the whirring of an oscillating fan. These simple days are better than any other, days that can be spent watching the condensation drip down the outside of your glass of sweet ice tea as you drift off to sleep.....


Anonymous said...

Ok, I want to go. Sign me up!! I might have to bring something other than Jane Austen though since I've already read all of those :).

Danielle said...

I'm so there. . . Sounds wonderful! I love spring too - it really is a fresh and beautiful time of year.

sooz said...

Looking forward to being on my porch doing just that!!!

Love the change of season's and all the difference's between them.