Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rare, life-threatening condition, I has it!

So a girl at the end of the hall from where I work started talking to me about someone she knows who is about to die of a blood clot. Suddenly, and without warning, my shoulder started to hurt in one particular location. While everything in my rational, logical-thinking brain tells me, "Cindy, you are not dying", everything else tells me "this is it, make peace with the world, a blood clot is how you're going to leave this earth."
You see, it's not as if I fear death. I know exactly where I'm going when I die, and so death itself has no hold on me. What does apparently have a hold on me is HOW I'm going to die. If there is an ailment discussed around me, I suddenly begin to feel those symptoms. Of course, I will quickly have a discussion with myself that reminds me of all the logical reasoning behind why I am not dying of that particular ailment, but that's usually after my heart has started to beat a little faster and I start making mental notes regarding my will and what I should do with my kitties. I know what you're thinking; and, yes, I fully embrace the fact that I have a touch of the crazies in me. I am hoping it's an endearing quality ;)


Anonymous said...

I think that is something everyone can say they have also done, you hear the story and your mind run's a muck.

A touch of the crazies is always indearing


Unknown said...

I'm not even kidding -- my shoulder hurts.

Anonymous said...

My shoulder has been hurting me for a month, hmmm?

Cindy Lynn said...

Yea, I suggest if your shoulder hurts that you get to the doctors, and FAST! ;)