Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If you ain't got the money, honey, I ain't got the time!

Every single girl out there has at some point in her "eligible years" contemplated the pros and cons to dating sites. There are so many out there these days that I'm beginning to wonder what went wrong with the bar... err coffee scene? Apparently, no one is meeting each other randomly anymore. Men have succumbed to the passivity of this world by not actually stepping up to the plate and asking for a phone number or, heaven forbid, dinner. And, likewise, I do believe women have become a bit hardened by the daily workings of life and failed relationships in their past that at the hint of some stranger coming up to them and asking for a phone number, the initial response is one of "I've got the 9 and 1 already dialed, do NOT make me dial the second 1".
This is why I have decided, in all wisdom, to set up a profile on the latest and greatest dating website. It's called "sugardaddie.com". It promises to marry me off to the sugar daddy of my dreams. What actually is comforting about this new dating site is that apparently money doesn't buy you love any more either. Since when do the wealthy have to go to dating sites? Aren't they able to purchase their girls like the good ole days or has that been outlawed? It seems true love is difficult for all to find nowadays, yet we discerning girls hold out hope for all that truly matters: wealth, attractiveness, affluence.


Danielle said...

You make sure you get someone with just what you're after, chica!

ME said...

Huh...huh..so, huh. Ok...huh