Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mi hermano

I've been having a day of thinking about my brother Billy. He has been living in Alaska for the past 4 years, working and taming the last frontier. So in honor of you, dear brother, here are some of my favorite sayings that you have said. I think of you when I hear them or find myself saying them :)
1. Shoot man
2. It's all good
3. Keep it simple
4. Embrace the elements
5. Yup
6. Alive and well
7. Livin' the dream
8. No worries
9. It is what it is
10. Enjoy today


Anonymous said...

Yes, I miss him too. And I often find myself saying things that make me think...hum, that sounded like Billy. Yup, It would be nice to be having a cup of coffee with both of you.

Danielle said...

Ah - next time you talk to him, you tell your brother we all miss him!

Anonymous said...

So now I know whose responsible for the lingo that I've grown so accustomed to:) Here's to Billy!

RhetorMan said...

Shoot man, it's all good to know that Billy keeps it simple, as he embraces the elements. Yup, knowing he's alive and well, livin' the dream allows me to go through life with no worries. As I often heard "it is what it is" so I guess I will also enjoy the day.

Bravo to Billy!

Anonymous said...

1. I love that pic of him. I think it describes him very well.
2. I personally LOVE me some "Billyisms". I challenge anyone to try to say one and not smile.
3. I think you have some pretty great "ism's" yourself!