Wednesday, April 16, 2008


There is another office on campus that keeps signing for my packages. We have a history. I haven't always been sweet to them, they haven't always been apologetic. The last time we talked, I might have said a few things about recommending they not be idiots and suggesting they not sign for stuff that isn't their's. We don't like each other.

This brings me to today. They signed for another package of mine. I am listening to her and her giddy voice that is telling me to walk down to her building and pick up the box, "If I would like it." What I wanted to say was, "you know what sweety, I'll tell you what I'd like. I'd like for you to have some sense. I'd like for you to make some good judgement decisions. I'd like for you to take a peek at the boxes when they're delivered to you and only sign for them if you know they're yours. I'd like for you not to continually try and teach me a lesson of patience and kindness!". What I ended up saying was, "oh well of course, I mean I'd love to walk down there and get my box. I'm already looking forward to it".

Bite me MicroBiology, really, all of you collectively, as one big giant unit of women who can't seem to handle simple tasks.


Anonymous said...

I volunteered again to get it for you but you insister on going yourself! lol!

Anonymous said...

Solidarity, Sister! I'm there with you. All of you there in Microbiology, don't mess with the lady's boxes. ME

Danielle said...

eeemmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Isn't that kind of illegal? They're not allowed to SIGN for YOU!

Unknown said...

You put my blog to shame. You, my friend, are hysterical.

ME said...

You're back!!! So nice to see that you have returned to the conversation. Thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they did it again after the whole ruckus it caused last time. These must be some ingnorant micro peeps!