Thursday, April 24, 2008

Silence, please

Dear Office staff and students,
Currently I am drinking the very best cup of coffee I have had in a really long time. It's the right flavor, the right mixture of cream and sugar, and the right temperature. Yes, I am going to close my eyes and sip it slowly to savor each delicious drop. Please, do not talk to me, look at me or try to signal for my attention. Consider me busy.


Anonymous said...

I need a moment of peace. Maybe i'll go grab myself a cup too..

ME said...

Is that all it takes to enjoy some peace and quiet..a great cup of coffee, closed eyes, and a moment to sip it slowly??? Hold on while I go find a great cup of coffee...

running shoes said...

what kind is it? I am in the market for some perfectly brewed coffee. Maybe your can make some at the beach

Cindy Lynn said...

Mix equal parts Don Francisco's Butterscotch Toffee and Folgers Columbian Blend.
+ Add 1 1/2 Tsp. sugar
+ Cream enough to make it a golden tan color
+ Factor in silence.

Danielle said...

OK -so had the Don Francisco's and LOVE it; very good stuff. As for me today, I've managed to find my solace in a bag of mint oreos.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Danielle on the mint oreo's. They are GOOD!

ME said...

Ok, I'm back and I found a great cup of coffee. So, let me see if this works... I'm closing my eyes, sipping all go away now, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.

RhetorMan said...

Ethiopian Sidamo. Brewed a little strong, with some 1/2 and 1/2. Now, put me in the backyard, in early March, around a campfire (the one that M-5 members used to visit), and let me once again hear the voices of youth, those beautiful people that used to grace my life--you know who you are. Now, that's a great cup of coffee! Beat that!

Ann Parri said...

Coffee: Starbucks House Blend
Date and Time: Today, 4am
Location: Quiet Living Room
Atmosphere: Cool Air, Window Open, Birds Chirping, Two Yankee Candles Lit, Computer on Lap

Oh yeah...