Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hostile Intruder Training

Location: campus
Time: 2:00pm
Duration: 30 minutes
MO: Powerpoint presentation

Points of Interest:
I have learned how to identify an active shooter.
- He's the one with the weapon. (Really? Huh.)
I know how to exit the building so that the officers can identify hostile/civilian.
- Hands over head, do not carry a purse. (as that may be identified as a weapon)
We were told how our campus location is defined by the authorities.
- A target rich environment. (That's really swell)
What to do if the above mentioned active shooter enters my office.
- Remain calm and dial 911. (Where does screaming like a little girl come into play?)
If you decide to flee, how we are to proceed.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind. (I repeat, DO NOT run in circles!)
Should the active shooter enter my building, I should keep this in mind.
- Do not respond to voice commands until verified. (As in, no conversing with active shooter.)

So glad I went.


ME said...

Cindy my Dear, you are the only one I know who can make me laugh while talking about hostile intruders. I will be sending up extra measures of prayer that your training was all for nothing! Love you Dear!

Danielle said...

HA! Some REALLY useful tips! - all things I'm sure you wouldn't think of on your own ;)

- Oh, and by the way, did you REALLY change my link name to "Fanny"???? - I clicked on the link excited to see who your new contact was, only to see my own page. . . I may not get to it in the immediate future - but the war of words continues!!!

Cindy Lynn said...

Bring it chica! This war will continue so long as you still consider me WINDY ;)

grandmmaper said...

Cindy, you make me laugh everytime I read your blog. I am so proud that you now know where to go if an intruder comes in and how to especially idenify and hostile intruder. How interesting. I'm sure it was well worth all the time it took to learn this important info.

mokidoku said...

Did they mention at any point my personal favorite technique for dealing with tough situations - *stop, drop, and roll*? Just wondering. ;)

Anonymous said...

Remember that I will wait for you to do the double axel flip backwards into my office and I will slam it shut!

Cindy Lynn said...

Oh don't you worry none! We will be a back-flipping, door-slamming, file cabinet-shoving duo if ever faced with an "active shooter". Either that, or the training suggested we negotiate. Yea, I'm so on it!

RhetorMan said...

Excuse me--I think you better invoke the tested safety method of the Civil Defense: "Duck and Cover." If it can save the people of Ft. Repose, it sure will protect when a single "hostile intruder" enters the office. BTW: Have you ever considered a job with 7/11? I understand the benefits are great and there's always a slurpee machine to hide behind. Maybe it's time to make some important career decisions.

Rhetor On, Dude.

Anonymous said...

Well, that is a training class with alot of information to process with very little time to do it in when confronted with a hostile intruder.
I would channel Jack Bauer and all of my 24 training and leap into action. After a very brief second i would then start to run around in circles while screaming like a little girl all the while loosing bodly function. As i'm running in circles trying to find my nearest exit or a weapon to use. Do i hide under the desk or make a run for it?
I like to think of this as the confusion method, who it will confuse more is yet to be seen.
Is this training for working at CTU or a college?

RhetorMan said...

TEN (10) is a magical number. Glad I'm the one!