Saturday, April 19, 2008

Simple pleasures

There are so many big things in this world that bring joy to individuals, such as relationships or having children, a job promotion or accomplishing a large goal like school. These pleasures bring joy to most people, yet it is the simple pleasures that define us and make us the individuals we are. For me, the sun shining on my face or hearing the heartfelt laughter of someone I care about are pleasures that make up everyday life. It's also the simple and sweet gestures people do to show each other they care about them. It's the knowing glance between someone you connect with or a friend who brings over flowers to make you smile. Life is filled with these moments. They never last long, and they are never to be repeated quite the same way. What is truly important is if we take the time out of our busy lives to acknowledge and smile when we experience them.


ME said...

Very nicely said! It is always the simple things of life that mean the most. Thank the Lord for friends and special times...they add spice to our lives!

Danielle said...

Too true! It's the little things that mean the most.