Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's official...

I'm registered. That's right, registered for classes this Fall. Soon I'll be able to view my required reading lists, and hopefully be able to log into the library website and print off any articles that have been placed on reserve. I'm a student again! I'll be able to walk the halls of academia (ok the cyber-halls), join others in the conversation about the upcoming digital era for librarianship, remark on the days gone by when people complained about how awful card catalogs were. They wondered then what would happened to the profession, yet it lives on. Books will forever be the epicenter of civilization, mattering little what form they take. After a few years of study, I'll be able to join the living, breathing, working body of the library system as it inhales and exhales which each passing season.

If anyone wishes to say I'm romanticizing this thing called education, save it! Sure there's lots of long nights, starbucks coffee and endless hours in the library ahead of me, but I also get to join the club of too-tired, over-worked and burned-out students around the globe. There's no place I'd rather be.


Unknown said...

Seriously, this is like a love poem.

I'm so proud.

Starbucks, here we come!!!

Cindy Lynn said...

I do so love that you understand me, truly a kindred spirit ;)

Unknown said...

And on the dark, burned out nights, we'll eat plum puffs together :)

RhetorMan said...

Woo Hoo! Nothing like contributing to the ongoing economic recovery in higher education. I'll bet you have to memorize the Dewy Decimal catalog system. How cool is that?

Lindsey said...

congratulations!! will you be at UCF?

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, Cindy!! It sounds great, and I want to know what color the cyber-halls are. Also, just to go on record, I am one of those people who mourn the loss of the card catalog, and have been unable to find anything without help ever since. Once you are an inhaling, exhaling librarian, maybe you can help me! Sadly, I desperately need it!
Congratulations!!! aunt c

grandmmaper said...

congratulation Cindy!! I admire your desire to further your education. Keep up the good work.

grandmmaper said...

Old Grandad here!!! If you haven't seen the movie "Farenheit 450" you ought to rent it and watch it a couple of times. It will make books even more precious. Here's hoping that Libraries are around for eons.

Economad said...

Deja vu! A student again. My oh My has the family experienced that. Congrats are in order as you educate yourself again. In economic terms you are re-tooling to avoid what is called 'structual unemployment'. You go, girl! By the way, you better make sure that the local Starbucks Coffee Shop in your area is not one of the over 600 that are marked for closure. That would certainly through a wrench in your schooling.