By 1943, Americans planted more than 20 million victory gardens -- at homes and schools and in parks -- that were reported to produce 8 million tons of food that one old film called "America's hidden weapon."
From an article in the LA Times about new gardens springing up, for political reasons. I saw this mentioned on someone's facebook and just had to write about it. Just think of how little involvement we would have to have with countries we shouldn't be importing from if we just put some effort out on the home front! Think of how self-sufficient America could be if we just tried a little harder. America really is the greatest country in the world, even more so when we work together for a common goal. During the wartime, they worked together to avoid dependency on the transportation of food. Maybe the reasons behind it change with time, but the effort should still be there. Just think of what we could achieve...
Then Stephen would be out of work...BAD IDEA...are you trying to take the roof over my kids' house away with this blog...c'mon ;-P
That's a really neat thought, Cindy. I may not be in the US right now, but such effort would still be very useful. Hopefully we'll know soon exactly what's happening with our house, and then I'll have to put some thought into a garden this summer.
Good idea!! We are having a big garden this year. Not only will we be more self sufficient, but things will taste much better as well. There is something nice about going to the freezer or cupboard and getting out food to eat. Try it. Love you SMG
My uncle, who is 94, still puts in a garden every year. I asked him what he planned to plant. He replied, "Not much", and then went on to list many differnet foods. I saw his garden last year, and it was bigger than I would want to tackle. Amazing.
Homegrown is definitely the way to go whenever possible.
Kilikina, what is this about a house? Exciting!! aunt c
I have plans for a garden this summer, but do not want to take on all of the weeding that it entails.
Did find an idea that is great and inexpensive, you can grow any type of root veggies in a plastic garbage bag. Put holes in bag for drainage, place dirt in bag, then potatoes pieces or root seeds, cover with dirt and wait for the crop to come in. Almost zero weeding to be done, and you can throw away the bags when your crop is done.
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