Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mara of the Wilderness!

So last night mom and I realized that a switch had flipped in the breaker in the garage leaving the porch and the septic tank without electricity. Unfortunately, while this still gives electricity to the rest of the house, it effects the water situation for everything. Bottom line: no shower. I have to confess that it'd been a couple days. I've been sick, mom hasn't been feeling the best so we've been embracing pajamas and relaxing. When the possibility of not being able to take a shower comes upon me though, I want nothing else. My mind is consumed with thoughts of being clean.

Thus, Mara of the Wilderness. You all know my hair is pretty long and there's no washing it in a little basin in the sink. Nope.....this called for the use of a hose and the great outdoors. I donned my towel and shampoo and marched outside in the early morning hours so that none of the neighbors would bear witness to this event! I now sit here blogging feeling incredibly clean! I'm considering pitching a tent outside and just soaking in the communing with nature.


Lindsey said...

that is AWESOME! you go girl!

The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said...

Billy would be proud...I'm sorry that you are sick =(
Let me know if you need anything

Unknown said...

Who is Mara?

Cindy Lynn said...

You're ruining the fun with your questions Karin ;) But I have added an addendum to my post for YOUR benefit!

Unknown said...

Where's the addendum?! I want the addendum!!!

running shoes said...

I was just going to say the same thing as Kelli!

I knew you had it in you to be a wilderness girl!

Embrace the wild, my lady