Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ordering Fun

Ok so I'm placing this order with SPI supplies right, and the girl sounded completely automated.

"Hello, and thank you for calling Structure Probe Incorporated. How may I help you today?"

I pause and start talking, but it's as if the computer program, "Allison" is filtering through all of her possible answers to see what to say next cause there are these crazy awkward pauses. Well I then actually laugh and say "you kinda threw me there in the beginning because it was sounding a little automated, but I wasn't entirely sure". She just kind of paused and then said "I can start with the part number, whenever you are ready". Oh um.....

So then she is telling me about the shipping charges and says "We charge a flat rate whether or not you are using UPS or Federal Express. We can ship faster, but I can not give you a flat rate price for that at this time". I laugh again and say, "Well I like the UPS guy more than the FedEx guy, so do you think that would work?".

"I will make a note of your preference on the order".


Unknown said...

I love that you included a picture of the Jetsons. Thank you for that.

Danielle said...

Wow - talk about someone who found their fit for a job. . . I can just imagine her thinking to herself, "This'll be great; I'll just pretend to be a robot." A regular Ms. Personality!