Friday, January 30, 2009

Could you repeat the question?

The following are sentences from my textbook. I have no idea what they mean, which I think might be a bad sign for academic success.

"A frame is a receptacle for information about an entity or event. It contains slots to hold the attributes of the entity. As the text is parsed or the cues read, the slots are gradually filled in."

"This chapter looks at document and information resource representations and surrogates; that is a metadata that identifies and characterizes, and often serves as a key for retrieving the actual documents."

"The proliferation of metadata standards developed by different but often overlapping communities of interest is undermining the opportunities for exchange of metadata."

"Parity checking is based on the possibility that one of the bits in a character may get transformed, but it is unlikely that two bits in the same character will get changed."

Good to know.

Picture taken from Dr. Randy Ralph's tutorial on Boolean Logic
Organizing Knowledge by Jennifer Rowley and Richard Hartley
Online Retrieval: A Dialogue of Theory and Practice by Geraldene Walker and Joseph Janes

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ordering Fun

Ok so I'm placing this order with SPI supplies right, and the girl sounded completely automated.

"Hello, and thank you for calling Structure Probe Incorporated. How may I help you today?"

I pause and start talking, but it's as if the computer program, "Allison" is filtering through all of her possible answers to see what to say next cause there are these crazy awkward pauses. Well I then actually laugh and say "you kinda threw me there in the beginning because it was sounding a little automated, but I wasn't entirely sure". She just kind of paused and then said "I can start with the part number, whenever you are ready". Oh um.....

So then she is telling me about the shipping charges and says "We charge a flat rate whether or not you are using UPS or Federal Express. We can ship faster, but I can not give you a flat rate price for that at this time". I laugh again and say, "Well I like the UPS guy more than the FedEx guy, so do you think that would work?".

"I will make a note of your preference on the order".

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A joke for my readers.....

So a man goes to a preacher and asks for him to give the eulogy for his brother's funeral. The brother says, "You can say whatever you want but at some point I want you to mention that my brother is a saint. Remember, say whatever you will, but I want you to say he is a saint during the eulogy."

The preacher gets up and begins the eulogy. He says, "Before you lies the worst possible excuse of a human. He was gambler, a drunk, a thieving, disgusting beast who never had any ounce of character. Compared to his brother, however he was a saint."

Thursday, January 8, 2009


My professor for Online Databases signed his class-wide announcement as follows:

Make it so,
The Boss

I have nothing to add to that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Continuing Saga

Mystery man returned. This time he wanted the room number for a particular course. I did not have the answer, DRAT! I do, however, have connections. You need not fear; I will be getting his name in no time. Let's hope it's not something like Bartholomew. That would somehow be disappointing.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Disclaimer: Because I have been raised by the mom that I have been truly blessed with, she has instilled in me the fear of "big brother". As in, don't say that "they" might hear you, or don't do that "they" might see you. Before you know it, you'll be on a list, you know, the list "they" monitor!! And because of this, I will be writing a post that is tame compared to my true ideas. Just take this post and multiply it by 100 so you know my true feelings.

Note to "THEM": If you find my post a problem, please let me know.

So we were sitting around our family's (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins) lunch table discussing some of the local talk on individuals awaiting trial and other criminals (yes yes, innocent before proven guilty, I know!) in the area who are filling up our jails. Did you know that our taxes pay to PROTECT these criminals in prison?? It's called protective custody, and it was the first time I had actually thought this through. The really awful prisoners get special protection in prison so the other inmates don't "do away with them". Let me just say this..I think there should be a separate justice system for those people who are upstanding citizens and a different system for inside prisons. Can't the guards just turn a blind eye and what happens happens? I mean, wouldn't that in a sense cut down on the costs of prisons and the amount of funding it takes to take care of all the prisoners?? Just let them do what they're good know....criminal activity! Let them use their "skills" in order to weed out the really dangerous ones from the rest of the group. I don't see the problem with this!

Let justice be served.