Thursday, October 23, 2008


I've been told that my blog is getting boring by a couple different people, and I should write something- whatevs!
School work is piling up while I download many different pointless tv shows on itunes to watch- whatevs!
I've been told that the new girl is actually my supervisor- whatevs!
I was told today that if I even considered voting for Obama that I would actually be voting for the unionization of America- whatevs!
My lunch break is already over, but I'm not done enjoying it so- whatevs!
The DHL guy summed me up as being the boring, inteligent one- whatevs!
It's been awhile since I've found something truly funny, other than this post of course, but- whatevs!
It kills me that I got a 49 out of 50 on an assignment that I busted my booty on; I should just be happy I got an A- whatevs!
I already bought a coffee at Starbucks today and I'm getting another one at Joeffry's, budget?- whatevs!
There's a noticeable amount of cat hair on the sofa- whatevs!
I found nothing in the fridge for lunch but white rice- whatevs!
What? I shouldn't be so uncaring about life??- WHATEVS!!!


Ann Parri said...

Uh oh... sounds like things are falling apart. :O Do you need a sister night? I ordered Christmas in Connecticut and it should be arriving any day now. How about some coffee and a movie? Maybe some dark chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes. Sounds a lot like my standby adage, "it is what it is," only much more eloquent. And just so you know...the DHL guy only got it half right. Intellegent? absolutely! Boring??? Not even close!

Anonymous said...

It's about time lady! I agree with ME you are soooo not boring...tell DHL "little dancing guy" whatevs! time call me for coffee I'll swing by with my cart and take you for a ride:)

Danielle said...

Cindy, don't believe them! ;) I mean, just writing anything would be less boring than the nothingness of blogging we've all had to bear witness to on your part. And as far as your schoolwork, I just don't grasp the desire of some individuals to torture themselves. . granted, it is for the good cause of an education. . nevertheless, I don't think I'd ever manage to convince myself of it. Hang in there ;)

Cindy Lynn said...

My sister bought herself the gift I was going to get her for christmas- whatevs :(

~Praying Through Life~ said...

Ok, the blog did entertain me...BUT your last comment made me totally laugh out loud...not a Tijuana moment laugh (Hmm Hmm L.E.) but a funny moment indeed!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Cindy. Oh, I agree with ME, intelligent---definitely, boring? Not a chance!!! Are you coming for Thanksgiving? This is an invite and an I hope so!!!! aunt c

Anonymous said...

Ok I just noticed Kelli's comment! LOL!! That laugh night was right up there with the night I fell in the hole.

~Praying Through Life~ said...

Goodness me, that was HI-larious