Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Get this off me!

Have you ever decided to wear something that you can not wait to get off when you get home? I'm in NO WAY suggesting joining a nudist colony, but sometimes it's just something that doesn't feel quite comfortable or maybe it's not sitting right on you, and you can't get home fast enough to change into something else. I am having one of those days! No No...let's not all at once look at my clothing of choice for the day. Just know that it is killing me, and I'm desperate to get home and put something else on. Case closed.

When peace doesn't come

I was having coffee last night with a friend of mine, discussing some of life's more difficult issues. Such as, what happens when I have no desire to be obedient to God's Word? What happens when I have no faith to see the purpose of obedience? And what happens when I've barely managed to push myself enough to be obedient and blessing and peace do not immediately follow? Nothing. Sometimes, nothing happens. It is in these moments of uncertainty, when my faith does not seem strong enough to even see the purpose of obedience that the Lord is making me stronger. My friend reminded me that many times in life our theology has to trump our experience. My experience right now feels like darkness surrounds me, but I know that it is in darkness that the light of God's Word is most visible. And when it seems peace will never be given, God reminds me of the promise, "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm unbeatable...


I stole this little quiz from Jen Yeadon (err Richardson!) It seems so wrong, yet unbelievably hysterical. I wouldn't want to go up against her, though, because her 22 5-year olds could probably take my 19. Although maybe if my 5 year olds were a little more scrappy we could take em'. Something to ponder.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cha, Ching

Today I received not only my regular bi-weekly paycheck, but my sweet reimbursement from Uncle Sam. My plan is to leave the funds in my bank account for a couple days and revel in the fact that I don't have to ration out $22 for the next 5 days which is an all too typical scenario. Don't you worry folks, I'm not suddenly able to pack it up and retire with all these riches. It's as if the money isn't even there with the fact that I'm saving for school, which starts in August. For the next two or three days, though, "I'm loaded with papers"!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Silence, please

Dear Office staff and students,
Currently I am drinking the very best cup of coffee I have had in a really long time. It's the right flavor, the right mixture of cream and sugar, and the right temperature. Yes, I am going to close my eyes and sip it slowly to savor each delicious drop. Please, do not talk to me, look at me or try to signal for my attention. Consider me busy.

I'm taking a moment....

To acknowledge that the Lord is always overwhelming me with blessings! I don't deserve them at all, yet for some reason He still delights in giving them to me. As I am embracing this new day of life that stretches out before me, it is with a light heart that is filled with joy :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why am I talking to you?

Have you ever been mid-conversation with someone and you think, I don't value your opinion...I don't even know why I'm talking to you! A couple days ago, I was talking with someone and we got on a topic that we did not see eye to eye on. And during this conversation I was like, I'm out! I'm done with this discussion! NO MAS!
Truthfully, everyone bases their thoughts and opinions on their own value system. It's not a discussion of what's right for you is not always right for me, I firmly believe in absolute Truth. Yet, not everyone places the same value on such Truth. It's tough to keep your conversations limited to people you will always agree with, and where is the fun in that anyway? However, I'm learning in my old age about the importance of keeping my cards close to my chest and valuing only select people's judgement and opinions. And might I say, it's a tough lesson to learn.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day 2008

In keeping with the emphasis of today being Earth Day, I decided to post some simple every day tips for greener living. These suggestions not only improve the environment around you, but also your own health.

Green tips you can practice every day

1. Fix any leaky faucets, toilets or water pipes. Even a small drip can add up to a lot of water over time.
2. Wash your car the natural way - wait until it rains.
3. Install water saving faucets.

1. Conserve energy by turning up the AC at night and while you are away from your home — or install a programmable thermostat.
2. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
3. Fix air leaks with weather stripping and caulking.
4. Insulate your electric hot water heater and pipes.
5. Avoid using cars — walk, cycle or use public transportation whenever possible.
6. Buy locally — not only is it good for the local economy, it will save energy because products haven’t traveled across the globe to get to you.

1. Use non-toxic cleaning alternatives in your home, such as the ones listed in the booklet.
2. Avoid the use of aerosols.
3. If you have a furnace, fireplace or gas heater, have them serviced regularly to prevent deadly fumes and install a carbon monoxide detector.
4. Ensure you have good ventilation and balanced humidity in your home to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can be harmful to your health.

1. Do not throw out your toxic household wastes, such as paint, paint thinner, and car fluids, in the garbage or down the drain. Check with your local facilities for proper disposal and avoid these products in the future.
2. Take your own bags to the grocery store. If you take plastic bags, use them until they are worn out.
3. Compost your food waste and use as nutrient rich soil for your lawn.
4. Avoid excess packaging.
5. Always use reusables mugs, lunch containers, batteries, pens, razors, etc.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is it Racism?

I had the pleasure of attending a meeting this morning that decides on the applications of international students. One of our Chinese faculty in the meeting made the statement, "No offense to you (pointing to the Indian faculty member) but I don't ever want to hire an Indian student. It's been my experience that they are not hard working." This statement was accepted as no big deal, whereas; I was appalled. How dare he make a blanket judgement statement against an entire culture of students based on an experience he had with two, many years ago. Racism is not defined as a single duragatory remark against one individual, but rather reducing an entire culture or people group to its lowest common denominator. For him to judge an entire culture on the work ethic of two students he had a long time ago really rubbed me the wrong way. It would be, hands down, accepted as racist if said by the white, American faculty member who was also present. Can racism really be defined differently depending on who is making the comments?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Parentals, cover your ears

Yea so I was chillin last night with a friend of mine. We were making a late night target run when I spotted the newly opened ABC liquor store next to the mall. I suggested we get a little something for the movie we were going to watch back at her place. Good times! I brought the remainders home with me. I am currently enjoying some of the sweetness right now. If it's possible, I might become a raging alcoholic one sip of watermelon schnapps at a time.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Simple pleasures

There are so many big things in this world that bring joy to individuals, such as relationships or having children, a job promotion or accomplishing a large goal like school. These pleasures bring joy to most people, yet it is the simple pleasures that define us and make us the individuals we are. For me, the sun shining on my face or hearing the heartfelt laughter of someone I care about are pleasures that make up everyday life. It's also the simple and sweet gestures people do to show each other they care about them. It's the knowing glance between someone you connect with or a friend who brings over flowers to make you smile. Life is filled with these moments. They never last long, and they are never to be repeated quite the same way. What is truly important is if we take the time out of our busy lives to acknowledge and smile when we experience them.

Friday, April 18, 2008

A tribute to sweetness

I have to say there are few as thoughtful as my co-worker, Judy. She seems to know exactly the days I'm rushing around in the morning trying to get everything done, yet also getting rid of unecessary things in order to make it to work on time. This morning was one of those mornings. I had already removed shaving, blow-drying the hair, breakfast, liter boxes and watering the garden from the daily routine in order to make it to work on time. I'm ok with all of those except breakfast. I drove to work thinking about how hungry I was and contemplating that maybe if I drank 5 cups of coffee it would take away the hunger long enough to make it to lunch. This is when I get to work and notice the orange dunkin' donuts box sitting next to the coffee pot containing the best muffins in all the world. What sweetness!

You are a joy to work with, a treat to laugh with and a completely lovely woman (and for way more reasons than bringing in muffins)! You make working here positively enjoyable, and you and I both know what THAT is saying :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I love you Ikea, just not right now.

In my attempt to reduce my use of plastic, I visited the Ikea store in a search for some cheap ceramic/glass containers that were microwavable for my lunches. I found a great one, ceramic bottom and glass top which indicated the important feature of microwave and dishwasher safe! I was heating up my deliciously-prepared, homemade food in my trendy, Ikea container when I heard a crack. I immediately stopped the microwave and checked out the horrendous sound. There before me was my Ikea container shattered, much like my love of the store itself. The glass top had broken. I threw the glass top away and inspected my food. After having visions of shards of glass going through my intestinal tract, I threw my homemade goodness away.
I now needed some food. I walked to the Einstein's on campus and purchased a pre-packaged, in a factory in Nebraska no doubt, salad. I get in a very long line only to get to the register and be told, "That will be $6.70." Dejected, I handed him my money to pay for my salad that was very much packaged in plastic.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


There is another office on campus that keeps signing for my packages. We have a history. I haven't always been sweet to them, they haven't always been apologetic. The last time we talked, I might have said a few things about recommending they not be idiots and suggesting they not sign for stuff that isn't their's. We don't like each other.

This brings me to today. They signed for another package of mine. I am listening to her and her giddy voice that is telling me to walk down to her building and pick up the box, "If I would like it." What I wanted to say was, "you know what sweety, I'll tell you what I'd like. I'd like for you to have some sense. I'd like for you to make some good judgement decisions. I'd like for you to take a peek at the boxes when they're delivered to you and only sign for them if you know they're yours. I'd like for you not to continually try and teach me a lesson of patience and kindness!". What I ended up saying was, "oh well of course, I mean I'd love to walk down there and get my box. I'm already looking forward to it".

Bite me MicroBiology, really, all of you collectively, as one big giant unit of women who can't seem to handle simple tasks.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Do your part...

I'm sorry, what?!

1. It's April, and cold weather has swept through the lower 48.
2. I forgot to water my garden this morning.
3. My boss just said she's tired of dealing with stupid people.
4. The coffee made this morning was not flavored.
5. I woke up 30 minutes late.
6. There were more spam email this morning than real.
7. I got flustered and forgot to have breakfast.
8. Work today= invoices, invoices, invoices.
9. People are not speaking to me, you know who you are.
10. It's only 10am; there are 7 more hours to the work day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

What can I say...

Sometimes I just have days of feeling like I work a worthless and unrewarding job. I have days where I feel unproductive and completely unpopular. I feel awkward, unstylish and backwards. I make awful mistakes. I say the wrong thing. I embarrass other people without meaning to. These moments don't last long, but they are there. Yet, It is in these moments that I realize I am nothing save the love of my Savior, and the grace He has chosen to give me. If there is any good in me, it is because of Him. His love transforms me, making me able to remove the "un" and the "less" in these phrases and be made into a woman of worth, reward, productivity and style who speaks with love and eloquence. Only He is able to take my red cheeks of embarrassment and replace them with the glow that comes from being forgiven.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hostile Intruder Training

Location: campus
Time: 2:00pm
Duration: 30 minutes
MO: Powerpoint presentation

Points of Interest:
I have learned how to identify an active shooter.
- He's the one with the weapon. (Really? Huh.)
I know how to exit the building so that the officers can identify hostile/civilian.
- Hands over head, do not carry a purse. (as that may be identified as a weapon)
We were told how our campus location is defined by the authorities.
- A target rich environment. (That's really swell)
What to do if the above mentioned active shooter enters my office.
- Remain calm and dial 911. (Where does screaming like a little girl come into play?)
If you decide to flee, how we are to proceed.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind. (I repeat, DO NOT run in circles!)
Should the active shooter enter my building, I should keep this in mind.
- Do not respond to voice commands until verified. (As in, no conversing with active shooter.)

So glad I went.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Food for Thought

Two points of Irony

Yesterday while driving I saw somene riding a bike and smoking at the same time.
I was told today to make an internal note of a student's intension...and to post it so that 3 other offices could see it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My evening with lil' Jimmy, a timeline

6:05pm I lose my electricity. I try to harness the chi of my brother Billy and say out loud "Embrace it Cindy!". And so I gather up some flashlights, light some candles and continue cleaning.
6:10pm Teresa arrives with lil' Jimmy, both pretty wet from the rain.
6:15pm (still no lights) We all walk into the kitchen where I have set up some finger paints over newspaper on the table.
6:16pm Jimmy begins running around in a circle and screaming. (Internal Dialogue: Huh, what exactly do I do now?)
6:18pm Teresa and I suggest we do some finger-painting.
(I really thought the finger painting would take at least a good 20 minutes while we waited for the pizza to arrive. Silly me.)
6:19pm Jimmy gets a couple drops of colors on the top of his paper. With what appears to be both fists into the paint takes two or three giant swirls around on the paper and pretty much has completed the finger painting exercise.
6:21pm Ponder what to do now. I seem to keep getting phone calls, from my mom asking if I got a hold of the power company, from Jenny to let me know she was running late (no worries, I'm not starving or nothing ;)
6:22pm We put down the shades in the house and begin walking around looking for things with flashlights.
6:24pm (While looking for cool things) Teresa makes the comment that in the chaos of picking Jimmy up, she didn't let her dogs out. We decide that since Jenny is running a little late, she'll run home and let them out and Jimmy and I will "chill" for a bit.
6:25pm Jimmy and I sitting across from each other in the living room, both holding flashlights, both pondering what to do.
6:30pm Thus begins the tale of the Giant, White, Fluffy Marshmallow Man. If you have ever seen those car insurance commercials where they have the celebrity interpreter. This is what I felt like. The conversation would go something like this.

Jimmy: And I think I think the Marshmallow man should go home, and I think he should get his race car markers and draw a race car.
Cindy: What color should the marker be?
Jimmy: I think the color should be um, um, um
Cindy: What about race car blue?
Jimmy: No
Cindy: What about race car green?
Jimmy: No
Cindy: (chuckling a little, knowing I think I'm starting to annoy him by offering up suggestions) What about race car orange?
Jimmy: No! (with a tiny bit of adorable tone) I'm picking the color. I think he should get, um I think race car blue. And he goes home and he draws a race car and I think he should eat some peanuts, 1, 2, 3 peanuts
Cindy: Are they magical peanuts?
Jimmy: YES! They're magical peanuts. He eats 1, 2, 3 magical peanuts and he says, "mmmmm that smells like pepperoni" (internal dialogue: Oh my gosh, you are so Danielle's child!) and he turns into the race car so he can go on the race track he draws with his favorite race car blue marker.
Cindy: Ok
Jimmy: (this is my favorite line!) Now tell the story!
Of course I then tell the story, with a few interjections from Jimmy to correct me along the way :)
7:05pm (Starting to get a bit ravenous) Jimmy and I go to look if we can find a little snack while we wait for the girls. Mind you that the smell of pizza, which was already delivered, is waffing through the kitchen. With our flashlights, we check out the pantry. Jimmy finds some chips. "CHIPS!", he says.
7:06pm I try to explain that I'm not sure his parents would be thrilled with him eating, chips, pizza and then cupcakes/cookies all in one meal. I try to make sunflower seeds sound positively delicious. I might have told them they are magical. (sneaky, I know!)
7:10pm Teresa arrives back from letting her dogs out. I'm exhausted. Don't get me wrong, I didn't do any physical labor, but the story telling was pretty grand and listening and watching him so he doesn't break a limb on my watch pretty much exhausted me. For some reason Jimmy starts running in circles and screaming when Aunt T arrives.
7:15pm Jenny arrives and we all sit down for some pizza. We ask Jimmy to tell us about his new dog Dixie.
7:16pm We enjoy a few choruses of "ruff" along with trying to figure out if he wants a story about Mr. Dupree or Mr. DeQueen. I won. It was Mr. DeQueen!
7:30pm Dinner is finished. We decide that we are going to watch a Thomas the Tank Engine movie while having some cookies.
7:31pm I brew coffee. It's the only way for me to survive this.
By 8:00pm we have Jimmy sitting on a cool blanket watching a movie. You could hear a pin drop he's so silent. Finally I realize, this is what parenting is about. TV! Note to self: If I am ever blessed with children, there will be a tv in every room of my house. No need for magical peanuts, or treasure hunts with flashlights or fingerpainting. I'm going to have them watch hour after hour of "Wuzzby Wuzzby Wow Wow". Sure I might get annoyed at the weird rhymes and songs with bouncing balls, but it's better than the alternative!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Life is precious

It's a difficult thing to be reminded how fragile life is. It is so very precious, and we should use every opportunity we can to tell the people close to us that we love and care for them! I firmly believe that the Lord controls our days, and that they are numbered to perfection. We should be using every single one of them to bring glory to the Lord and further the kingdom. There can really be no greater purpose than that.